Bald can be beautiful...But losing your hair is not.
Purchase NowStop hair loss & regrow your natural beautiful hair.
Telvium™ is 100% Natural and Guaranteed to work!
Telvium™ Regrows Hair For Women!
It’s commonly more accepted — and expected — that men lose their hair. But when women begin to lose theirs, the psychological damage can be just as devastating as any serious disease. Studies have shown that women who experience hair loss suffer from self-esteem and body image issues, impacting their social life and feelings of attractiveness.
Telogen Effluvium - Telvium™
After pregnancy, major surgery or even extreme stress or weight loss, women can experience dramatic hair loss where they lose large amounts of hair on a daily basis even while just taking a shower, styling, or simply brushing their hair. Medications, like antidepressants and anti-inflammatory, beta-blockers can also lead to severe hair loss. This condition is known as Telogen effluvium.
Hence we developed Telvium™ to regrow hair for women!
It is commonly believed that hair loss is a problem that most men face, but women can also suffer from hair loss. Let's figure out why women lose their hair and how to deal with it.
To begin with, it is necessary to find out the pathology of hair loss. In one day, we lose up to a hundred strands of hair and this is considered normal. Specialists suggest a simple test. Take note if there is a white nail (bulb) on the end of the fallen hair. If not, chances are you are just fine. If there is, then do not wash your hair for two to three days. Then pull on the hair from your crown and temples. If more than 5 strands of hair come out in your hands, it is worth paying attention to this.
The fact is that active hair loss can be one of the first signs of a disease or disorder in the body. Therefore, it is worth finding out the cause.
Causes of hair loss in women.
All causes of hair loss in women can be divided into two groups: telogenous hair loss (when hair falls out gradually) and anagenic alopecia (that is, sudden alopecia).
Anagenic alopecia:
This is a sudden loss of hair, the cause of which is most often the impact of strong chemicals or medicines, as well as radiation. This type of baldness is observed during chemotherapy.
Telogenous baldness:
Telogenous alopecia can occur in both acute and chronic forms. The difference is that acute alopecia lasts up to six months, and then passes. The chronic form of telogenous baldness can last more than six months and sometimes, lasts for several years.
The causes of telogenesis baldness can be:
1. Hormonal changes
Many women notice their hair thinning after giving birth. Increased prolapse can begin 1-4 weeks after birth and last for several months. This loss is most often associated with a change in the hormonal background, and can also increase under the influence of stress, a decrease in the level of protein in blood plasma due to blood loss. For the same reason, hair loss can begin after long term use of hormonal contraceptives or in girls aged 16-20 years, when the body begins to actively develop androgens.
2. Health problems. Hair loss can begin after:
- Surgery or injury
- Acute Infections
- Improper Diet
- Post pregnancy
- High Temperature
- Blood loss
In most cases, episodic alopecia takes about a year to restore normal hair growth. However, there is a chronic form of alopecia, which produces thinning hair in only about 2-5 months after the disease starts.
3. Other reasons for hair loss can be:
- Long-term use of drugs (e.g., cytostatics, retinoids, anticoagulants, anticonvulsants and others).
- Chronic diseases - rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis, psoriasis, systemic lupus erythematosus, hyperthyroidism, tumors and others.
- High stress - after the stress has transferred, hair growth, as a rule, is restored spontaneously.
- Sometimes the reasons for hair loss include incorrect care (frequent use of hair dryers, plaques, ironing, etc.), but experts agree that in most cases, external influences only exacerbate the existing problem, but are not an independent cause of baldness.
Did You Know
The good the bad and the ugly!
1. Shampoos for hair growth
Easy to use: Just wash your hair with it and rinse it out
Low cost
The composition of shampoos always includes chemicals, while your hair is already weakened and falling out. Manufacturers suggest that these chemicals are good for your hair. At best, these include dyes and preservatives, but more often, they also include parabens and LSN.
The second problem is their inefficiency. Shampoos have to be washed out. Even if you keep the foam in your hair for several minutes and even if the manufacturer says that the shampoo contains useful substances, vitamins or trace elements, they simply will not have time to soak into the skin. Once you rinse your hair, it completely washes away the shampoo.
2. Injections for the scalp
With good products and correct application they can promote hair growth
Good results over time
You need a prescription to purchase.
The impossibility of independent application.
In many injectable preparations there are unsafe preservatives that may enter the bloodstream. The results may be unpredictable.
The morbidity of the procedure, because of multiple of injections to the scalp.
Very high cost.
3. Lotions and tonics applied by means of creams, liquids or sprays
Ability of home daily use
Comparatively affordable price
Aesthetics: hair looks dirty and not well-groomed; hard to rinsed out.
Allergic reactions and irritation because of products containing chemical components.
Often, the composition of these options include Minoxidil. This substance is addictive and when you stop using the drug, hair loss begins again with greater intensity.
Really an effective tool, the effectiveness of which is clinically proven to work100% ALL NATURAL
A natural remedy made on the basis of organic plant components without chemical additives.Super Nutrtious
A product that contains vitamins and microelements necessary to eliminate hair loss and promote hair growth.Parabens Free
A product that does not contain LSN, parabens, caffeine and other chemical components that can cause undesirable reactions, allergies, side effects, etc.Non Addictive
Non addictive, does not contain minoxidil, caffeineBeautiful Hair
Telvium™ does not destroy the appearance of the hair after application. Non-sticky formula. No effect on hair color.Affordability
Very affordable - And suitable for easy home use1 Stop Solution
A product that is one and done. No need for a multitude of different products that may or may not work. Telvium™ is the one-stop solution.Telivium™ Simply Spray & Forget!
Yes, it is really that simple. Spray, Rub and Forget. Within weeks you will experience new hair growth. Your hair will no longer continue to fall out every day. See how beautiful your new hair will look once it has fully been restored to its once natural glory. Shiny and incredibly luxurious hair. Your confidence will be restored. People will see you like a new person. Your boyfriends, partners, and husbands, and all the people you care about will be so happy for your newly restored beauty and confidence. No more hiding the person you truly were meant to be.
Years of testing and development have gone into Telvium ™ to design a product that is completely natural and safe for women. From the start, Telvium ™ was designed only for women. Designed by women for women. Women who understand what it means to lose something so important, something that is at the very foundation of being a woman. Beautiful full hair. Why should having a baby or gaining weight or everyday stress deprive you of what is rightfully yours? The women at Telvium™ corporation understand you and have taken the time to do it right. Being a woman is beautiful and we want to keep it just like that.
Made in Sweden for over 50 years!
What makes Telvium™ so great? All Natural Organic Ingredients!
Let me say that again. - ALL ORGANIC NATURAL INGREDIENTS-. It’s all in there with no less than eight organic natural extracts that have the power to stop hair loss and regrow new hair. Telvium™ combines so many powerful natural ingredients specifically designed to stop hair loss and regrow your new beautiful hair.
It's never too late to take action
Do it today!
You will find advertisements on the Internet which claim that products which contain Caffeine, Grape Seed, Keratin and Collagen, and all types of other chemical products, can help to regrow hair. This information is inaccurate. Hair fluffing is not a cure. All volumizers do is puff up your hair for a few minutes, that does not help long-term.
If this were true, why do so many women still suffer from constant hair loss? Check out what is in Telvium™ and see the difference for yourself. What’s in there and what do they do?
Take a look below and see for yourself. If you can find another product anywhere like this, we will buy it for you. Telvium™ was designed specifically to help fight hair loss and regrow new hair.
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What’s in there - what do they do?

Stinging Nettle is rich in Vitamins A, B, C, D and K. It also contains iron, potassium, manganese, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, silica, iodine, and silicon. Rich in proteins and amino acids, very low calorie and fat content.
Great for Hair Loss Problems
Using stinging nettle is one of the oldest treatments for combating hair loss. Stinging nettle capsules and tea can be consumed to treat hair loss internally while a good scalp massage using nettle oil combats hair loss effectively.
Helps Regrow Hair
Not only does stinging nettle help in combating hair loss, but it also helps in hair regrowth. Nettle leaves are rich in silica and sulfur. This helps in making hair shinier and healthier. Rinsing hair with nettle extracts and water results in regrowth of lost hair and also helps in restoring the original hair color.
Helps with Dandruff
Massaging your scalp with coconut or mustard oil infused with dried nettle leaves and leaving it overnight is a very effective treatment for dandruff. Juice extracted by crushing fresh nettle leaves is also massaged onto the scalp to treat dandruff.

Hops - which are known scientifically by the name Humulus lupulus are flower clusters which grow on the Hop plant. In herbal medicine, hops are used for a number of health benefits. The hops are often used as a sedative and a relaxation inducer. It is also known to be antimicrobial. Hops have an anti-inflammatory effect, estrogenic effect, antioxidant activity and as anti-tumor properties. Hops have been found to contain estrogen like chemicals which may be beneficial for medical conditions associated with hormonal changes. Hops is used in many hair scalp rejuvenation therapies.

This herb has numerous health benefits. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to protect the scalp and regenerate the hair follicles. Gingko Biloba helps keep hair cells healthy and beautiful by pumping nutrients and oxygen to the scalp.

Super Moringa
Super Moringa is popularly known as super-food across the globe for its numerous health benefits. This amazing superfood is super great to boost your hair regrowth. The humble leaves of Super Moringa are a powerhouse of nutritional value for everyone. The leaves are a rich source of essential amino acids. It is a rich source of Vitamin A, C, E and antioxidants, which is key to healthy hair follicles and scalp.
Super Moringa has super immune-boosting powers, that’s why Moringa is also called “Tree of Life”.

Saw palmetto
Saw palmetto is a red fruit most often seen in South Eastern regions of the United States. Various studies on the use of saw palmetto were conducted. During the clinical trials it was observed that Saw palmetto helped to regulate hormones in our body.
Saw palmetto is also used by women to counteract the physical manifestations of hormonal imbalance--particularly excessive testosterone. It blocks the overproduction of testosterone which is responsible for male pattern baldness in women. Saw palmetto is an effective 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, binding with the substance before it can affect the hair follicle.

"Cassia is by no means a new product, in fact West Africans and Indians have been using it for centuries. Cassia is a great alternative for naturals who want to get the benefits of natural henna without changing the color of their hair. If you’ve never heard of this amazing powder, keep reading! Here’s what cassia can do for you"
Adds Shine
"Cassia typically comes in a green powder form and is often mistakenly referred to as the “neutral henna” though cassia is actually derived from an entirely different plant than henna—with cassia you receive the benefits of adding shine to your hair without coloring it."
"Cassia deeply conditions the hair. Applying cassia to hair has been said to repair dry damaged hair and make it more manageable by softening curls. One application is said to add volume to hair making it appear fuller."
"Cassia is known for strengthening and conditioning strands. The chemical constituents of cassia are absorbed by the strands and are capable of binding to the keratin protein within the strand. After a cassia treatment, studies have shown the cuticle lays flat and appears unaltered therefore strengthening and concealing the strand at the same time!"
"Some other great benefits include: improving scalp health, aiding with dandruff and other scalp issues and it has been discovered to impart UV-protection to the strands. It is even safe to use on chemically relaxed or color-treated hair."

This perennial plant from the daisy family has been used to encourage healthier hair regrowth. Chamomile conditions the scalp as well as nourishes and strengthens the hair follicles. According to Jean Valnet's "The Practice of Aromatherapy," (best seller Book on Plant medicines) chamomile has special properties that help prevent hair loss. The yellow color of chamomile brings brightness and shine. It also stimulates the growth of fuller, thicker, and healthier hair strands.

For centuries, elderflower has been used to treat hair with damaged ends, stubborn hairlines, or to stimulate the scalp to encourage hair growth. According to a study published in Free Radical Biology and Medicine, elderflower promotes blood circulation which helps hair regrowth. Elderflower is packed with vitamins A, B, C, and E — all of which are excellent for weak hair. The antioxidants present in elderflower stop hair follicle damage.
Telvium restored my confidence!
Telvium™ gives you a definite advantage in the fight against hair loss
Advance Protection
You get advance protection against the millions of micro-organisms that invade your scalp at the core level.Simplicity
You get one simple solution that combats hair loss and helps to regrow new hair.Completely Safe
You get an effective way to fight hair loss. Fight the fight everydayTurn it around
You can reverse & stop the hair you are losing every day. By reducing hair loss and re-growing new hair you can regain your beautiful looks once again24/7 Protection
When used every day you get 24/7 protection from hair loss.All Natural Organic
You get a completely organic 100% natural product. No chemicals whatsoever.Telvium™ is tried and tested. Guaranteed to restore hair or your money back!
There is no power stronger than Mother Nature - Telvium™ is 100% Natural
Even more hair health benefits for you
Repair and restore
Hair loss action formula designed with all natural organic ingredients with the super power to restore and repair hair at the root levelFuller Hair in Just 30 Days!
Improve volume, thickness, and strength for thinning hair. Fortifies the hair with regular use.Protects Hair Naturally
Naturally stimulate the hair growth cycle Nourishes hair follicles. Strengthens the hair shafts against breakage. Helps strengthen and thicken thin hair by promoting microcirculation and reducing build-up of oil and dirt on the scalp.Great Hair is yours
Complex concoction revitalizes your hair, generating beautiful lovely long hairnourishes the natural fibers
Telvium™ is designed to repair the roots, improving elasticity and fullness. Repairs dry damaged hair by replenishing and nourishing the natural fibers in the hair.All Organic
We use only the finest organic extracts. 100% all natural. No chemicals, caffeine or minoxidil. In fact, no chemicals at all. Even our preservatives we use only the finest hand-picked oranges from Brazil. Safe, effective, all natural. Telvium™Once only available to professionals...
Now available to you
For years, we only sold this to professionals, this organic liquid miracle is the perfect formula for this problem. With Telvium™ you can help promote the regrowth of hair. Penetrating well below the scalp, this special decoction of natural herbs will help reduce hair loss and stimulate regrowth of your natural hair.
Its special blend is specifically engineered help stimulate hair regrowth by destroying harmful proteins on contact.
Nothing short of miraculous are the words that come to mind when you see the results for yourself. It is the 1, 2 knock-out punch that Androgenetic alopecia (commonly called female pattern baldness), Telogen Effluvium, Anagen Effluvium, and Traction alopecia all have no defense that can prevent your natural hair regrowth.
Years of development specially targeted to help stop hair loss and stimulate new hair growth. Giving you back what is rightfully yours...Your beautiful hair.
My hair stylist recommended Telvium natural hair growth product!
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if it will work for me?
"Telvium™ will work for most women. All the ingredients in Telvium™ are designed to stimulate and strengthen hair regrowth. The object is to avoid getting to that point where you have lost so much hair it becomes difficult to restore enough of your loss hair. The sooner you start using Telvium™, the more effective it can be for you."How long before I see results?
"Everyone is different and results vary depending on the stage of hair loss. Many people start to see results after continued use. Hair loss is a big problem which you might never be able to completely eliminate because your body is always producing proteins that destroy the roots of your hair. The most important thing is to keep these proteins in check so they don’t continue to do more damage."How do I know it really works?
"We are so confident that Telvium™ will work for you we offer a 100% satisfaction money-back guarantee. If after 60 days you are not convinced that Telvium™ is helping you, simply return the unused portion for a full refund less shipping and handling (s&h). That's it. No questions asked. We have been selling Telvium™ for years. Your satisfaction is our primary goal."Is it safe to use ?
"Believe this...It is completely safe. Especially for women. Telvium™ has been on the market for years and used by many people. It was designed for women to be chemical, caffeine and minoxidil free. No adverse side effects. This is the best kept secret the big hair loss manufacturers don’t want you to know about. Just use Telvium™ 2 times a day to see amazing results. Telvium™ ingredients are all natural. Yes, it is very safe to use.I must admit…this sounds too good to be true. Why should I believe it?
"You don’t have to believe us. But what do you have to lose...except your hair! You can pass on this offer because “it sounds too good to be true” or you can try our products and see for yourself. The decision is yours…you can be skeptical and miss out on the opportunity to save your hair from these problems that only gets worse the longer you wait. It’s your decision – one that could affect your beauty and confidence!"What makes Telvium™ so good?
"It comes down to the combination of ingredients. If you read what is in Telvium™ you will see that each and every natural extract has something to do with stopping loss hair and helping to regrow hair. Some have been in use for thousands of years helping in many different medical issues. When combined they form a super powerful composition that is safe and truly effective helping to stop hair loss and stimulating new hair growth."Women never have enough time for themselves!
I saw very visible results!
A woman wants to look beautiful all the time!
Somethings are just worth the money. Telvium™ is one of those things!
I had my doubts but I am so glad I took the chance!
Telvium™- 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
Our product is Money-Back guaranteed!! When Telvium™ is used as directed, you will see and feel an amazing transformation with your hair. You’ll experience less hair loss and regrowth of new hair. You will rejoice with a healthy head of beautiful hair like never before!
If you are not satisfied with your results after using Telvium™, just return the unused portion of the product within 60 days for a full refund (less S&H). We stand behind our 100% Money-Back guarantee, no questions asked.
Our product is so effective and so unique, we are confident you’ll enjoy the benefits thousands are enjoying today, and we want you to know you can trust us to provide you with only high-quality products.
Did You Know
How much easier could it be?
What makes Telvium™ so great? All Natural Organic Ingredients!
But wait: Before you order Telvium™ you must read this important section!
Order 4 bottles of Telvium™ and receive 2 extra bottles absolutely FREE! That’s a $43.40 value - Yours free!! Not a free pamphlet or a useless free gift but the actual product! This is a full six (6) months' supply!!
PLUS...any time you refer a friend who buys a Telvium™ product, we will send YOU a bottle of Telvium™ FREE!! That’s right! Absolutely FREE with your next order! can use Telvium™ absolutely risk FREE for 60 days to make your own evaluation of this fantastic product. If for any reason you are not convinced that Telvium™ is the solution for you, we will refund your money, NO QUESTIONS ASKED.
Order your supply of Telvium™ without wasting another minute! Hair loss does not wait...neither should you.
**Telvium™ does not claim to be a treatment or a cure for any disease nor does it claim any specific results. Individual results may vary as everyone is different. We offer a 60-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked refund if you are not satisfied for any reason.